Panther Crab

Panther Crab

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Some Panther Crab aquariums will look very different to others, it depends on whether you want to provide an area of land for them to climb out onto. They are listed as a fully aquatic species, so it isn’t essential that they have an area of land in the tank. This leaves the decision up to you. Under the water, layer the floor with a sandy substrate. The fine grains make it easy for your crabs to burrow, which is a natural behavior that they’ll display around their territory. On top of the substrate, you can focus on creating a few caves. Panther Crabs will each claim one as a territory that they can retreat to when resting in the day or when stressed.


Water Parameters 
  • Temperature: 77-86°F
  • Chlorine/chloramines: 0 ppm (very toxic)
  • Ammonia/Nitrite: 0 ppm
  • Max Nitrate: 30 ppm
  • pH: 7.5-8.5
  • Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
  • Should be kept in species only tanks

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